Optimizing for local search, you put your business on the map.
81% of customers check ratings and reviews
46% of all Google searches are seeking local information
78% of local mobile searches result in an in-store purchase
73% of high-intent traffic visit an authoritative directory before any website
+50% of consumers won’t go with a business if it has less than a four-star rating
Step 1: Type the area your business is located in, (ex. Uluwatu, Canggu, Ubud) into Google followed by a keyword matching your business (ex. restaurant, cafe, bar)
Step 2: Are you in the top 3 results and featured on Google? (see screenshot below)
Step 3: Are you satisfied with the result?
We hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to us.
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